‘Carbon footprint’ refers to the environmental impact of a product, i.e. the total greenhouse gas emissions during the product’s life cycle. ‘Carbon neutral’ means that the product’s net carbon footprint is zero. The carbon load from the production of our “Offset carbon footprint” products is offset by planting new forests.
Potatoes in Kespro’s Menu range, which is designed for professional kitchens, are the first Menu products where the carbon footprint has been offset. The carbon footprint has been calculated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and it covers the whole potato production chain from the field to Kesko’s central warehouse: farming, storage, sorting, washing, packaging (including packaging materials) and transport. The calculations and carbon footprint offsets concern those Menu potatoes with a ‘Hiililjalanjälki hyvitetty’ (‘Offset carbon footprint’) label. Based on the calculations, the carbon footprint of Menu potatoes is CO2e/100g. The calculation method follows the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards (ISO 2006).
The Finnish 4H Federation’s Taimiteko programme is used in offsetting the carbon footprint of Kespro’s Menu range potatoes. In the programme, forestry societies and 4H youth groups plant new forests in farmlands and peat bogs no longer in use. Luke has calculated the carbon sink impact of the planted trees, and consequently some 2 hectares of new forest is planted annually to offset the carbon footprint for Menu range potatoes. The number of trees planted corresponds to the number of products sold, which will be specified. Year of launch: 2020. Producer: Potwell.
Menu annosperuna veitsikuorittu 10 kg
Menu soseperuna veitsikuorittu 10 kg
Menu yleisperuna veitsikuorittu 10 kg
Menu soseperuna veitsikuorittu 10 kg
Menu annosperuna veitsikuorittu 10 kg
Menu yleisperuna veitsikuorittu 10 kg
Menu kuutioperuna 10mm kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu kuutioperuna 16mm kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu palaperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu suikaleperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu viipaleperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu annosperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu muusiperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu lohkoperuna kuorella kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu puikulaperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu pariisinperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu lintuperuna kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu kuutioperuna 20mm kypsä 2,5 kg
Menu kypsä kuorellinen pikkuperuna 2,5 kg
Menu kypsä kuorellinen puolikas pikkuperuna 2,5 kg
The offset method for Pirkka range potatoes is the same as for Kespro’s Menu range potatoes. At an annual level, some 2 hectares of new forest is planted to offset the carbon footprint for Pirkka range potatoes. Year of launch: 2019. Producer: Potwell.
Pirkka suomalainen yleisperuna 2 kg
Pirkka suomalainen jauhoinen peruna 2 kg
Pirkka suomalainen kiinteä peruna 2 kg
Pirkka suomalainen yleisperuna 1 kg
Pirkka suomalainen jauhoinen peruna 1 kg
Pirkka suomalainen kiinteä peruna 1 kg