Coffee and tea policy

All K Group’s Pirkka, Pirkka Parhaat, K-Menu and Menu range coffee and tea are more sustainable.

Coffee and tea cultivation provides livelihood for millions of small producers. Coffee and tea have a significant impact on the economy and employment of the countries in which they are produced.

Coffee and tea are among the ingredients whose production involves various sustainability risks, including water pollution, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, use of agricultural chemicals, deforestation, and human rights violations.

All Pirkka, Pirkka Parhaat, K-Menu and Kespro Menu-branded tea and coffee are more sustainable, which means that the sustainability of their primary production has been certified.

Certifications approved

K Group approves the following social responsibility certifications for coffee and tea:
• Fairtrade certificate
• Rainforest Alliance/UTZ certificate

The coffee and tea policy was published on 13 June 2022.

Progress of the objectives of the coffee and tea policy in 2023

100% of the Pirkka, Pirkka Parhaat and K-Menu coffee sold in 2023 was more sustainable, of which 99% were Rainforest Alliance certified and 1% Fairtrade certified. 99% of the Pirkka, Pirkka Parhaat and K-Menu tea was more sustainable, of which 94% were Rainforest Alliance certified and 6% Fairtrade certified.

100% of Kespro Menu coffee and tea sold in 2023 was more sustainable, of which 100% were Rainforest Alliance certified.

Progress in 2019-2023:

  2023 2022 2021 2020
Percentage of more sustainable Pirkka, Pirkka Parhaat and K-Menu coffee 100 100 100 100
Percentage of more sustainable Pirkka, Pirkka Parhaat and K-Menu tea 99 99 83 64
Percentage of more sustainable Menu coffee 100 100 100 100
Percentage of more sustainable Menu tea 100 100 100 100


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