
13 news and releases

June 2024

Time Magazine ranked world’s most sustainable companies – Kesko the most sustainable trading sector company in Finland

Time Magazine has listed the most sustainable companies in the world based on an extensive assessment. In this first assessment, 13 Finnish companies were ranked among the world’s most sustainable companies. Kesko is the best trading sector company in Finland and globally the tenth most sustainable in its industry.

Sustainability, Investor, Media

25.06.2024 17:30

K Group to provide information on origin and route of popular canned goods to K-stores

By far the most popular canned fruit at K-stores is canned pineapple, an affordable product that is suitable for many dishes. A QR code will be added to Pirkka and K-Menu pineapple cans so that K-store customers will be able to learn about the origin and route of the product already at the store.

Sustainability, Media

06.06.2024 08:34

May 2024

Kesko to electrify its grocery trade logistics through an investment of nearly €10 million

Kesko plans to gradually increase the number of electric vehicles used for transport and deliveries in its grocery trade business to some 200 EVs by 2030. EV charging points for heavy vehicles will be built in all Kesko’s grocery trade logistics centres within the next few years. Kesko expects EV transports to reduce emissions significantly while improving efficiency. The total investment will amount to nearly €10 million.

Sustainability, Company, Media

23.05.2024 16:44

The new selection of Pirkka Fairtrade flowers for special occasions was created in response to customer wishes

The range of Pirkka Fairtrade flowers is being expanded with a selection of flowers for special occasions that can be pre-ordered. Large quantities of single-coloured flowers that have been requested by customers for decorating summer parties can now be pre-ordered this summer. All flowers in the selection are Pirkka Fairtrade flowers. In 2023, almost EUR 320,000 was paid in Fairtrade premiums to the farmers of the Fairtrade flowers sold at K-food stores for community-building purposes.

Sustainability, Company, Media

22.05.2024 08:49

A third life for plastic: new cleaning products made from K-stores’ waste cut-flower buckets

K Group is one of the biggest sellers of flowers in Finland, and as many as 600,000 buckets that are used for cut-flowers accumulate in stores every year. In a collaboration recently launched between K Group, Lassila & Tikanoja and Sinituote, the discarded buckets will now be processed into a raw material that is used to make new cleaning products. The new range of SINI cleaning products is now available at K-Citymarket and K-Rauta stores.

Sustainability, Media

06.05.2024 08:05

March 2024

Pensioners most active in bringing their own bag to the grocery store

According to K Group’s survey, most customers bring their own bag to the grocery store, but plastic bags are bought during unplanned visits. Finland seeks to reduce the consumption of plastic bags through the plastic bag agreement to which K Group is also committed. Families with children buy the most shopping bags, whereas pensioners are the most active users of their own bags. The respondents considered eco-friendliness the most significant reason for using their own bags.

Sustainability, Customer, Company, Media

21.03.2024 07:35

January 2024

Kesko ranks sector best on the ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World’ listing

Kesko has been ranked as the best company in its sector on the 2024 ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World’ listing. Overall, Kesko ranked 29th on the list, making a significant leap upward. Kesko is the only company in the world to have made the list every year since its inception in 2005.

Sustainability, Investor, Media

17.01.2024 09:30

November 2023

Kesko commits to even more ambitious climate targets

Kesko commits to setting new long-term emission reduction targets, according to which it aims to reduce emissions in its whole value chain to net zero by the year 2050. Achieving net-zero targets will require zero emissions in all parts of the value chain, which in turn requires even tighter collaboration with suppliers to reduce emissions during manufacturing, and further efforts to increase sustainable consumption among customers.

Sustainability, Investor, Media

09.11.2023 13:30

Hyvis soup is the winner of the Food and Beverage category in the Most Sustainable Product in Finland competition

Hyvis sweet pepper and lentil soup was selected the winner of the Food and Beverage category in the Most Sustainable Product in Finland competition. The vegan convenience food made using sweet peppers that would otherwise go to waste was developed in cooperation between K Group and Juustoportti’s Kasvisgalleria. Developing food waste products is part of K Group’s activities to halve the amount of food waste.

Sustainability, Customer, Company, Media

03.11.2023 07:15

October 2023

“Most significant improvement in recycling of waste since start of cardboard waste collection”

The separate collection of plastic packaging from businesses under the new Waste Act is the biggest single change in the way K-stores sort waste since the collection of cardboard waste was started in the 1990s. During January–August, the amount of plastic waste collected by K Group had already increased by 200 tonnes on the same period last year.

Sustainability, Media

27.10.2023 08:40

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