Investor blogs and podcasts

In Kesko’s investor blogs and podcasts, Kesko’s management discusses topical issues relevant to investors and shareholders.

Kesko’s 2021 Annual Report more extensive than ever – Kesko the first listed company to publish a Data Balance Sheet report


Kesko’s 2021 Annual report comprises five sections and over 300 pages. Although the report covers the events and key figures of last year, it also provides plenty of general information on, for example, Kesko’s strategy, business models, operating environment and reasons to invest in our shares, as well as descriptions of our sustainability work and its targets and results. Kesko is also the first listed company in Finland to issue a Data Balance Sheet report, which details how we use our data capital sustainably to create value for both Kesko and our key stakeholders.

Below you will find more detailed descriptions of the report sections as well as links to all the reports.

Kesko’s Direction

This report section presents Kesko as a company and as an investment. The section offers information on Kesko’s strategy – which was updated in spring 2021 – the three business divisions and their operating environment. It also presents, for example, Kesko’s business models.

See full report


Financial Review

The Financial Review section comprises Kesko’s 2021 key performance indicators, the Report by the Board of Directors, financial statements, and the Auditor’s Report. The report also details the extent of which Kesko’s operations are taxonomy-eligible under the new EU taxonomy.

See full report

Data Balance Sheet 

Kesko is the first listed company in Finland to publish a Data Balance Sheet. The report details how Kesko uses its data capital in a sustainable manner to create value for both Kesko and its key stakeholders, such as customers, retailers and partners.

Our first Data Balance Sheet focuses mainly on the grocery trade consumer business, and offers many tangible case studies on how we utilise data in our business operations.

See full report


The section on Sustainability details the objectives and progress made in Kesko’s sustainability work, and provides key indicators in accordance with GRI standards.

It provides information on the climate impacts of Kesko’s operations and how we intend to reach carbon neutrality by 2025 and zero own emissions by 2030, while also encouraging our stakeholders to cut their emissions.

See full report

Corporate Governance 

The Corporate Governance section comprises the Corporate Governance Statement the Remuneration Report for Governing Bodies, and details on the members of Kesko’s Board of Directors and Group Management Board.

See full report




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