Little big deed: Two brothers with partial work ability are happy team members at a Neste K service station

Work and colleagues are important also to people with partial work ability. However, only 2% of the 25,000 disabled people in Finland have paid work. Mika Huikko, the K-retailer of the Neste K Keimola Itä service station, offered jobs to Niko and Kaitsu Lahtinen, and now the station is like a second home to the brothers.

“I’ve made many friends here,” says Niko, who has worked at Neste K Keimola Itä for seven years. Niko’s brother Kaitsu also works at the service station. After K-retailer Mika offered the Lahtinen brothers jobs, they quickly became part of the workplace community.

“The boys are part of our team here, and equal to other members of staff.”

Mika Huikko encourages all entrepreneurs to give people with partial work ability a chance: “I would encourage all my fellow entrepreneurs and employers to hire people with partial work ability. Our society increasingly offers opportunities to do so. Don’t be afraid to take a chance, this is important to us all.”

People with partial work ability represent a significant untapped resource for the Finnish society.

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