Kesko Group Living wage statement

A living wage is a take-home pay received by a worker for a standard work week sufficient to afford a basic, but decent, standard of living for the worker and his/her family in a particular location.

Living wage model, for example, is based on several elements described in the recommendations made by the non-governmental organizations. The wage is meant to be enough to satisfy the family’s essential needs – food, housing, clothing, transportation, healthcare, education etc.

Kesko Group has committed on the right of freedom of association and collective bargaining. In Finland and in several other operating countries, relevant stakeholders; employees, shop stewards and trade unions as their representative, are deeply involved to the salary development process supporting living wage concept as a negotiation part of collective bargaining procedure. Negotiation resulting to the collective labor agreement stipulates salary development and other relevant working condition issues. These generally binding agreements are mandatory to enforce at the Kesko Group.

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